Białostocka architektura modernizmu (2013-)

W projekcie udział wzięli: Sebastian Wicher (tekst przewodnika i na stronę www, zdjęcia wykorzystane na stronie), Wiesław Wróbel (konsultacja historyczna), Katarzyna Niziołek (koordynacja projektu i redakcja przewodnika), Marcin Onufryjuk (zdjęcia wykorzystane w przewodniku), Michał Burzyński (skład i druk przewodnika) oraz Piotr Laskowski (strona www).




In the recent years, the dynamic development of Bialystok has resulted in profound transformations of the city spaces, which apart from numerous positive effects, has brought about degradation of the local cultural heritage, especially of the 20th-century architecture. The merely described architectural ancestry of the interwar years, as well as the negatively associated architecture of the socialist period both are found in a particularly difficult condition. One of the reasons behind this situation is little knowledge of the architecture from those times among the citizens. Hence, the newest project of the Foundation (2013) is aimed at the popularization of modernist architecture in Bialystok by organizing thematic city walks and discussions, launching a website, and publishing a guidebook.


Dane adresowe:

Fundacja UwB
ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 14
15-097 Białystok
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